Conference: Heraeus-Seminar on the heliosphere, astrospheres and exoplanets
Last week a huge delegation from my group attended the international Heraeus-Seminar “From the Heliosphere to Astrospheres – Lessons for Exoplanets and their Habitability” in Bad Honnef, Germany (conference website).
We had contributed talks given by my group members Judy Chebly and Nikoleta Ilic, plus contributed talks by my group’s guests Yu Xu and Florian RĂ¼nger; posters given by Eliana Amazo-Gomez and Joana Wokittel; and three (!) invited talks by Ekaterina Ilin, Julian Alvarado-Gomez and myself. Unfortunately I became sick the weekend before the conference and therefore had to sty home and give my talk over zoom – a pity because the Physics Center at Bad Honnef is known for its excellent food! Still, a great experience and a very interesting mix of topics that were selected by the organizers (see the program here).