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Month: March 2024

New paper: evaporation of three young planets in the K2-198 system ?>

New paper: evaporation of three young planets in the K2-198 system

The latest paper of my recently graduated PhD student Laura Ketzer is now in print – and as a side note, an all-female author list spanning two different research groups at the AIP: Three young planets around the K-dwarf K2-198: high-energy environment, evaporation history, and expected future Ketzer, L.; Poppenhaeger, K.; Baratella, M.; Ilin, E., Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 527, Issue 1, pp.374-385 (2024) Planets orbiting young stars are thought to experience atmospheric evaporation as a…

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Two successful PhD defenses ?>

Two successful PhD defenses

PhD defenses are always great times to celebrate. This winter we had two very successful defenses of my students Nikoleta Ilic and Laura Ketzer. Laura’s thesis is called “The impact of stellar activity evolution on atmospheric mass loss of young exoplanets” and Nikoleta’s “Stars under influence: evidence of tidal interactions between stars and substellar companions”. Both did a really excellent job in their defenses! We had good times celebrating them!