5-year Leibniz grant completed
My first years at the AIP got a big boost through a funding program from the Leibniz Community for women professors. My project in that program is called “Combined evolution of star-exoplanet systems”, and (after some no-cost extensions) has been completed this summer. It funded five years of large parts of my group’s research, three PhD theses and several postdoc years. Some highlights from the project are the first solid evidence for stars experiencing spin-up through tidal interaction with their exoplanets (http://katjapoppenhaeger.com/?p=1117), our work on different stellar activity evolution tracks on the exoplanet radius gap (http://katjapoppenhaeger.com/?p=1121), and our recent hints found for flare triggering going on in close star-exoplanet systems (http://katjapoppenhaeger.com/?p=1213). This Leibniz program was a really great resource for me and my people!